Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Enoch Olinga College (ENOCIS) Announces New English Program

Tags: , , , The Enoch Olinga College (ENOCIS) Announces New English Program

The Enoch Olinga College (ENOCIS) announces the launching of a new English program on line for Spanish speaking students.

ENOCIS has received funding from a private Latin American foundation The Sons of David to offer full scholarships to qualified candidates, a value of over $2000 USD to prepare these students to take the TOEFL examination. The only cost to students is a small registration fee and for the certificates of completion. For more information go to the ENOCIS web site and click on the button “Clases de Ingles”.

ENOCIS over the last year found that many of its students did not have an adequate mastery of the English language to successfully participate in its US university classes. For this reason, ENOCIS designed this bootstrap English program for Spanish speaking students. As the program evolves it will be translated into Chinese and Vietnamese.

The Enoch Olinga College project is the result of over ten years of research and development of a education platform for the indigenous peoples of Panama and other underserved persons throughout the world. Developed in conjunction the Office of Politica Indigenista of the Ministry of Government and Justice, ENOCIS has been offering services for over a year from its US base in Macon, Georgia. ENOCIS works with many nations and cultures throughout the world. Education: the Tool to Break the Chains of Poverty.

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