Thursday, August 30, 2007

Distance Learning for Sustainable Development: A concrete application by the World Agroforestry Centre

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Panama City, Panama, 30 August 2007: The World Agroforestry Centre offers an innovative training course “Contextualising Teaching and Learning in Schools Using Natural Resources - the case of school tree nurseries” by distance learning.

Enoch Olinga College (ENOCIS) Development and Education encourages practitioners to discover and take advantage of this concrete example of a Distance Learning project in the field of Sustainable Development.

Context: according to the project, many attempts have been made to adjust educational content so that it becomes relevant to sustainable development. In practice, this has often meant the introduction of new topics or subjects, for example natural resources or environmental management. Relatively little emphasis has been placed, however, on the development of education strategies that are based on the immediate context in which the school is located.

This training course will deal with the use of natural resources as a way of contextualising primary and secondary education and making teaching and learning more relevant to the local situation. Tree nurseries in schools will be used as examples to demonstrate this concept.

The training course is of interest and open to teachers in primary and secondary schools, lecturers, education officials, representatives of NGOs and CBOs as well as educators active in education for sustainable development. There are no course fees to be paid if one's application is accepted. The training course will take place from 17 September to
5 October 2007. The deadline for receiving applications is 7 September 2007. A resource associated to this highlight includes a PDF document introducing the training course and further information about how to apply. Picture Credit: The World Agroforestry Centre

For more information on the ENOCIS Project please visit our web site   Education: The Tool to Break the Chains of Poverty.

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